Unlocking the Power of JSON Columns: A Step-by-Step Guide to Displaying Database Values in Filament PHP Table
Image by Celsus - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of JSON Columns: A Step-by-Step Guide to Displaying Database Values in Filament PHP Table

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In the world of web development, managing complex data structures can be a daunting task. One common challenge is displaying JSON column values in a PHP table, particularly when using Filament. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of JSON columns and explore the best practices for showcasing these values in a Filament PHP table.

Understanding JSON Columns

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of displaying JSON column values, let’s take a step back and understand what JSON columns are. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that allows us to store complex data structures in a human-readable format. In the context of databases, JSON columns enable us to store JSON data types, such as arrays, objects, and scalar values, within a single column.

JSON columns provide a flexible and efficient way to store and retrieve data, especially when dealing with unstructured or semi-structured data. However, displaying these values in a PHP table can be a bit tricky. That’s where Filament comes in – a popular PHP framework for building robust and scalable applications.

Setting Up Your Filament Project

Before we start displaying JSON column values, let’s assume you have a Filament project set up and running. If you’re new to Filament, I recommend checking out the official documentation for a comprehensive guide on getting started.

For the purpose of this article, we’ll assume you have a basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) setup for your table, with a JSON column named `meta_data`. Our goal is to display the values stored in this column in a readable format within our Filament PHP table.

Retrieving JSON Column Values

The first step in displaying JSON column values is to retrieve them from the database. In Filament, we can use the `DB` facade to query our database and retrieve the necessary data.

use Filament\Tables;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

$metaData = DB::table('your_table_name')

In the code snippet above, we’re using the `DB` facade to query our `your_table_name` table and retrieve the `meta_data` column. The `get()` method returns a collection of rows, which we’ll then use to display the JSON column values.

Decoding JSON Column Values

Once we have our JSON column values, we need to decode them into a readable format. In PHP, we can use the `json_decode()` function to convert JSON data into a PHP array or object.

$decodedMetaData = [];

foreach ($metaData as $row) {
    $decodedMetaData[] = json_decode($row->meta_data, true);

In the code snippet above, we’re iterating over each row in our `$metaData` collection and decoding the `meta_data` column using the `json_decode()` function. The second argument `true` tells the function to return an associative array instead of an object. We’re storing the decoded values in a new array called `$decodedMetaData`.

Handling Nested JSON Data

Sometimes, your JSON column values may contain nested data structures, such as arrays or objects within arrays. In these cases, you’ll need to recursively decode the JSON data to access the inner values.

function recursiveDecode($json) {
    $decoded = json_decode($json, true);

    foreach ($decoded as &$value) {
        if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
            $value = recursiveDecode($value);

    return $decoded;

$decodedMetaData = [];

foreach ($metaData as $row) {
    $decodedMetaData[] = recursiveDecode($row->meta_data);

In the code snippet above, we’ve created a recursive function called `recursiveDecode()` that iterates over each element in the JSON data and decodes any nested arrays or objects. We’re then using this function to decode our JSON column values and store them in the `$decodedMetaData` array.

Displaying JSON Column Values in a Filament Table

Now that we have our decoded JSON column values, let’s display them in a Filament table. We’ll create a new table column called `Meta Data` and use the `getTable()` method to define our table structure.

use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;

class YourTable extends Tables\Table
    protected function getTable(): Tables\TableSchema
        return Tables\TableSchema::make()
                TextColumn::make('Meta Data')
                    ->label('Meta Data')
                    ->formatStateUsing(fn ($record): string => implode(', ', $record->meta_data)),

In the code snippet above, we’re creating a new `TextColumn` called `Meta Data` and using the `formatStateUsing()` method to define a custom formatting function. This function takes each record in our `$decodedMetaData` array and implode its values into a comma-separated string.

Finally, we’re passing the `$decodedMetaData` array to the `data()` method to populate our table with the decoded JSON column values.


In this article, we’ve explored the best practices for displaying JSON column values in a Filament PHP table. By retrieving and decoding our JSON data, handling nested JSON structures, and formatting our table column, we’ve successfully showcased the power of JSON columns in our Filament application.

Remember to adapt these instructions to your specific use case and JSON column structure. With these techniques, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of your JSON column data and create more informative and engaging tables in your Filament application.

Happy coding!

Tip Description
Use JSON validation Validate your JSON column values using Laravel’s built-in JSON validation rules to ensure data consistency.
Handle null values Use the Elvis operator (??) to handle null values in your JSON column data, providing a fallback value when necessary.
Optimize performance Use eager loading to retrieve related data and reduce the number of database queries, optimizing the performance of your Filament application.
  1. Read the official Filament documentation: Filament Documentation
  2. Check out the Laravel documentation: Laravel Documentation
  3. Explore other Filament tutorials and guides: Filament Community

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of your Filament PHP tables by learning how to showcase database JSON column values with ease!

How do I access the JSON column values in my Filament table?

To access the JSON column values, you can use the `json_decode()` function in PHP. For example, if you have a column named `data` that stores JSON data, you can use `$model->data` to retrieve the value, and then use `json_decode()` to convert it into a PHP array or object.

How can I display the JSON data in a readable format in my Filament table?

To display the JSON data in a readable format, you can use the `json_encode()` function with the `JSON_PRETTY_PRINT` option. This will format the JSON data with indentation and make it easier to read. For example, you can use `json_encode($model->data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)` to display the data in your Filament table.

Can I use a custom view in Filament to display the JSON data?

Yes, you can use a custom view in Filament to display the JSON data. You can create a custom view component that takes the JSON data as a prop and uses a template engine like Blade or Twig to render the data in a readable format. Then, you can use this custom view component in your Filament table to display the JSON data.

How do I handle nested JSON data in my Filament table?

To handle nested JSON data, you can use a recursive function to iterate through the nested arrays and objects. You can also use a package like `laravel-recursive-array` to simplify the process. In your Filament table, you can use a custom view component that takes the nested JSON data as a prop and renders it in a readable format using a template engine.

Are there any security considerations when displaying JSON data in my Filament table?

Yes, when displaying JSON data in your Filament table, you should be aware of potential security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Make sure to use the `htmlspecialchars()` function to escape any HTML characters in the JSON data, and consider using a package like `laravel-html` to sanitize the data. Additionally, ensure that your Filament table only displays data that is authorized for the current user.

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