The Frustrating Error: "Session Google Ads Query" Displays No Data on Google Analytics
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The Frustrating Error: "Session Google Ads Query" Displays No Data on Google Analytics

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Are you tired of staring at a blank screen on Google Analytics, wondering where all your precious data went? You’re not alone! The "Session Google Ads Query" error has plagued many digital marketers, leaving them feeling frustrated and helpless. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this issue and emerge victorious, with data-filled reports and a deep understanding of what went wrong.

What is the "Session Google Ads Query" Error?

The "Session Google Ads Query" error occurs when Google Analytics fails to retrieve data from Google Ads, resulting in a blank or incomplete report. This can happen for several reasons, which we’ll explore in this article. But first, let’s understand the importance of integrating Google Ads with Google Analytics.

Why Integrate Google Ads with Google Analytics?

  • Accurate ROI tracking: By linking Google Ads to Google Analytics, you can track the true ROI of your ad campaigns, making data-driven decisions a breeze.
  • Enhanced data analysis: Combining Google Ads data with Analytics insights provides a more comprehensive understanding of your customers’ behavior and conversion paths.
  • : With integrated data, you can optimize your ad campaigns more efficiently, identifying areas of improvement and maximizing your budget.

Common Causes of the "Session Google Ads Query" Error

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common causes of this error:

  1. Incorrect Google Ads account linking: A simple mistake in linking your Google Ads account to Google Analytics can prevent data from being transferred.
  2. Insufficient permissions: Ensure that the Google Ads account user has the necessary permissions to share data with Google Analytics.
  3. Ad campaign settings: Issues with ad campaign settings, such as incorrect conversion tracking or targeting, can impact data transmission.
  4. Analytics property settings: Misconfigured Analytics property settings, like incorrect data retention or filtering, can also cause the error.
  5. Data processing delays: In rare cases, data processing delays can occur, resulting in temporarily incomplete or missing data.

Step-by-Step Solution to the "Session Google Ads Query" Error

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s get to the good stuff – fixing the error! Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Verify Google Ads Account Linking

Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to:

Admin > Property > Google Ads Links

Check that your Google Ads account is correctly linked. If not, follow the prompts to link the accounts.

Step 2: Check Google Ads Account Permissions

Log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to:

Tools > Setup > Access and permissions

Ensure the user who linked the accounts has the necessary permissions (e.g., “Editor” or “Admin” roles).

Step 3: Review Ad Campaign Settings

Check your ad campaign settings for any issues:

Conversions > Create a conversion action

Verify that conversion tracking is set up correctly, and targeting is configured as desired.

Step 4: Review Analytics Property Settings

Check your Analytics property settings:

Admin > Property > Data Retention

Ensure data retention is set correctly, and filters are not affecting data transmission.

Step 5: Check Data Processing Delays

In rare cases, data processing delays might occur. Try the following:

wait for 24-48 hours for data to process

If the issue persists, contact Google Support for assistance.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Still experiencing issues? Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Check Google Ads API status: Ensure the Google Ads API is not experiencing any outages or issues.
  • Verify Google Analytics tracking code: Ensure the Google Analytics tracking code is correctly implemented on your website.
  • Test data transmission: Use the Google Analytics Debugger Chrome extension to test data transmission.


The "Session Google Ads Query" error can be frustrating, but by following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to analyzing your precious data. Remember to regularly check your Google Ads and Analytics settings to prevent future errors.

Error Cause Solution
Incorrect Google Ads account linking Verify and re-link Google Ads account
Insufficient permissions Grant necessary permissions to Google Ads account user
Ad campaign settings Review and correct conversion tracking and targeting
Analytics property settings Verify data retention and filtering settings
Data processing delays Wait for 24-48 hours or contact Google Support

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the "Session Google Ads Query" error and unlocking the full potential of your Google Ads and Analytics integration. Happy analyzing!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with a mysterious issue where “"Session Google Ads Query" displays no data on Google Analytics? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is the “Session Google Ads Query” report showing no data in Google Analytics?

This might happen if your Google Ads account is not linked to your Google Analytics property. Make sure you’ve linked them correctly and that the tracking is set up properly. Also, check if the Google Ads conversion tracking is enabled and if the global site tag is correctly installed on your website.

Is it possible that the “Session Google Ads Query” report is delayed or takes time to populate?

Yes, it’s possible. The “Session Google Ads Query” report might take up to 24 hours to populate, so be patient and check back later. If it’s still showing no data after 24 hours, review your setup and tracking to ensure everything is correct.

Can I use a different report to track Google Ads conversions in Google Analytics?

Yes, you can use the “Conversions” report in Google Analytics, which includes data from Google Ads conversions. However, keep in mind that this report shows conversions from all sources, not just Google Ads. If you want to track Google Ads conversions specifically, stick with the “Session Google Ads Query” report.

Is it necessary to have the Google Ads conversion tracking tag on every page of my website?

No, you only need to install the Google Ads conversion tracking tag on the pages where conversions occur, such as the thank-you page after a form submission or the checkout page. This will help you accurately track conversions and attribute them to the correct Google Ads campaigns.

What if I’m using a Google Tag Manager (GTM) to manage my tracking codes?

If you’re using GTM, make sure you’ve set up the Google Ads conversion tracking trigger correctly and that the tags are firing correctly on your website. You can test the triggers and tags in GTM’s preview mode to ensure everything is working as expected.

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